All Middle School students are assigned advisors who also serve as their classroom teachers so that a closer relationship may develop. Advisement meetings are scheduled twice a week for twenty minutes each session. Advisors assist students with every aspect of school life from academic problems to social adjustments to personal difficulties. Advisement meetings center on the nurturing of group trust, communication, and support.
School Counselor
The school counselor is available for students who feel the need for guidance beyond that offered by their advisors or who feel the need for confidential help. The counselor is also a resource for parents looking for additional support.
Seabury Hall is affiliated with the Episcopal Church in the Christian tradition. As such, Seabury Hall promotes a tenet applicable for each of its members: Nurturing the mind, body, and soul. The Chaplain is available to all people at Seabury and serves everyone according to her or his own understanding of faith. The Chaplain encourages the enrichment of the individual's soul as well as to augment the common life of the whole Seabury community. Outlets for this are not limited to but include morning assemblies, a morning service of Eucharist/Holy Communion, special events such as Baccalaureate at the end of the academic year, and other seasonal observances.
Middle School Head
The Middle School Head is available in the Middle School office to discuss questions and concerns with all Middle School students. Parents with academic questions or concerns may telephone the Middle School Office at (808) 572-4161, or arrange an appointment.
Seabury Hall Middle School Student Council (MSSC)
Student leadership is strongly emphasized through the Middle School Student Council. The MSSC includes the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian/Photographer. These officers lead the student body by coordinating service projects and social events that include school dances, spirit assemblies, ice cream parties, and other fun school activities.