The Middle School Physical Education (PE) and Athletic Program is committed to the needs of students in grades six through eight offering a wide variety of options both during and after school. All students are encouraged to participate. Our PE classes are much smaller than in years past allowing for a greater amount of individual attention for each student. Our current Middle School PE staff includes a PE Teacher, an assistant PE Teacher, an Athletic Trainer, and Athletic Director. Our Dance program includes three instructors for 7th and 8th grade and we also offer yoga and pilates classes for interested students as well.
The Seabury Hall Middle School emphasizes team spirit and cooperation in its athletics program and operates under a philosophy that everyone who wants to try a sport should get a chance to join a team and play.
We believe that participation in structured activities that stress such values as fair play, commitment, dedication, leadership, respect, and teamwork is essential. Each student is given opportunities that will help him/her recognize a moral responsibility for his/her actions and attitudes.