Coeducational College Preparatory Day School serving Grades 5-12

Civic Impact Award

The Civic Impact Award
Founded by Seabury Hall Alumna, Maren Lau '92 

This award recognizes a student for the outstanding, positive impact that they are making as an engaged citizen in their community.

Why is this award being established?
The health of our communities depends on active and engaged citizens, even more so now, in a changing and often unsettling world.  Active participation and civic engagement gets voices heard, opens us to diverse perspectives, creates new paths and solutions to address injustice, and forges the communal ties that are at the heart of an enduring democratic society.  We're excited to recognize Seabury students who are doing this important work in many different ways.

Seabury Hall Junior (Academic merit / financial need are NOT considered in this selection process)

The definition of "community" for this award can be interpreted broadly and diversely - it may be a global, national, state, or local community.  It could be a community defined by a certain demographic or interest.  We are focused on community beyond the Seabury student body, so while the student may have an impact on the Seabury community through their activities, this will not be taken into consideration in the award selection.

Impact may also be defined in many ways.  Impact can be measured in terms of hard/quantitative metrics (amount of money raised, number of students tutored, etc.) as well as soft/qualitative metrics (creative ideas generated, voices raised, etc.).

There are so many ways to create positive impact.  Applicants for this award could include a student who has created a tutoring program, a student who volunteers in an international organization to place refugees, a student who posts online videos discussing a topic important to him or her, or a student who plants kalo patches every summer with local kupuna.  If you have a passion and have found a way to channel that passion and give back to some one, some few, or some many, you are no doubt making an impact and would be a fantastic candidate for this award.

Why apply?
This award can help you:

• Amplify your voice and bring more attention, understanding, and support to a cause you care deeply about.
• Share your impact and achievement with colleges if you plan to apply. College can provide tremendous resources and experiences to support your continued impact far into the future.
• Join an inspiring Seabury alumni network - currently under development - that will provide access and support as you move through college and a career and consider how to keep giving back and making an impact in your community.

While this award is not a scholarship award, this award will celebrate and honor the good work you are doing for your community.

Deadlines for Spring 2023:
March 30 - Junior Class Meeting Presentation
April 14 - Deadline for Submission
April 18 & 19 - Written Application Blind Review by Alumni Committee
April 26 & 27 - In-Person Interviews by Alumni Committee
May 18 - Awards announced at the Academic Awards Assembly

Awards and Recognition:

2020 Civic Impact Award winner: Summer Wong


Contact Us

Seabury Hall
Office of Advancement
480 Olinda Road
Makawao, Hawaii 96768
Phone: (808) 442-6111

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