Seabury Hall inspires a high standard of academic achievement through a balanced program nurturing respect and dignity of character rooted in our school and spiritual values.
At Seabury Hall, you will discover a community that upholds the tradition of excellence in academics, the arts, athletics, community service and extra-curricular activities.
Seabury Hall is committed to creating a learning environment that allows for young minds to expand. Students learn how to think critically, explore creatively, study, and question in a safe and caring atmosphere.
In the athletic program, students have the opportunity to compete while developing the essential values of commitment, dedication, leadership, respect, and teamwork.
Through the arts, students develop the essential skills of creativity, imagination, innovation, and self-expression, keys to academic success as well as accomplishment in later life.
A caring community, safe environment, and personal support system allows each student to grow to his or her maximum potential in a healthy, positive and supportive atmosphere.
Spartans Win First Boys Basketball Title for Seabury
Bromo Dorn '25 scored 20 points accompanied by Sebastian Peterson '26 17 points led our Spartans to victory in the HHSAA Boys Division 2 State Title game. This is the first boys basketball State Title for Seabury Hall.
Bromo Dorn was named Division 2 Tournament MVP and Sebastian Peterson was named to the state all-tournament team.